Chelsea Liberty Ship Clock

Oh boy I have been looking for a Bakelite Liberty Ship Clock and I finally got one. No key, runs poorly, and is dirty as hell but it is mine now. Cleaned the case, reseated the glass, and cleaned the movement and re oiled everything. After getting it together everything looks ship shape and perfect but it runs fast no matter what I do…

Update May 2018:

I had given up on this clock and put it in my drawer of shame. I had a weird thought that it may have been magnetized somehow and that my have caused the unexplained unreliability. It was a last chance fix before I totally gave up on it. I demagnetized it and much to my surprise it is keeping perfect time now! I can’t imagine what on earth could have magnetized a vintage piece of military hardware like this. Obviously aliens during the Philadelphia Experiment. What a piece of history
