RedBull Trophies

RedBull contacted me for more trophies! They are for the Heavy Water stand up paddle board race. I gave them a couple different designs to choose from. They were made of brass, painted International Orange, and mahogany. The table was reverse printed on a piece of acrylic.


Update: The tides did not cooperate this year. I made new plaques so they can use it for the 2019 event. I am happy I had the chance to change the color of the text too. After seeing the green blue on the mahogany I wanted to change the type to white for better readability, I guess things find a way to work out in the end.


Elgin Ships Clock

I can’t help my self, I found this Ships Clock on craigslist. It was marked “as is” I brought it home and took it apart and saw that nothing was wrong. After winding it up it ran perfectly and I hung it up in my shop. So much for a new project.


New Antique Clock Project

Wow, what a find, a part of a clock! This movement is stunningly beautiful. I am going to have to design and build a pendlum for it, and a case, and a gong. No small task! I did a quick 3D sketch in OnShape to figure out the size and how much wood I need to buy for the case. This is going to be a long build.

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Lillie Coit Lamp

I was at Alan Steel off 101 the other day buying materials for another RedBull trophy and came across a bin of these beautiful solid brass fire hose nozzles. I thought it might make a beautiful lamp base and bought one. $100 later at Cliffs Variety I had all the components to build it into an accent lamp for the living room. Sam and Veronica joined me in the shop and worked on their own personal projects. Sam drew me a beautiful pink koi fish for my shop and Veronica finished he Leonardo DiCaprio themed punk rock jacket, I could think of no better way to spend a weekend.


Labyrinth Mug

I spilled some coffee on my paperwork today and looked at the ring the mug made and got to thinking and designed this mug with OnShape. I think that a coffee ring would be greatly improved if it left a coffee labyrinth!

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HEX Key Wall Organizer

The quest to wall mount the entire shop continues! I modeled these over the weekend and printed them out and got even more hand tools out of the drawer and on to the wall.


These were printed in clear plastic and back painted.

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19th Century Carriage Clock

Another “as is” find! It needed a lot of work. The original screws holding the case onto the base were rusted and nearly disintegrated. I reamed the holes and re tapped them so I could use a modern fastener. I polished the case and cleaned and oiled the components. It is regulated and running very well now. My best estimate on it’s age is between 1885-1900. I think it will be a perfect birthday present for my mom this year.



I have some more projects to document, I hope to have them in my portfolio soon.


Nothing More Expensive Than a Free Motorcycle

I found this abandoned BMW R75-7 behind the car dealership and asked around if I could have it. It need a lot of TLC. Should be a rewarding project when I finish it. All it needs are carbs, tires, brakes, shocks, a seat, engine rebuild, and paint. At the very least it looks bad ass sitting in my shop.


3D printed bit organizer

Fun fact:

I hate searching for driver bits! I hope this simple 3D printed solution will alleviate the anguish caused by endless searching for driver bits.


PiTop in Las Vegas!

TechShop sent Sam, Mel, Stephen, and me to Las Vegas to build PiTop computers at a conference. All these computers will be donated to schools all around the country.


Illinois Pocketwatch

I got this guy for my birthday this year. Didn’t need much, just a light clean and oiling. Runs very nicely and looks spectacular.


Elgin Pocket Watch

Another craigslist find. A beautiful coin silver pocket watch from the late 1800s. Cleaned and oiled it and regulated it.


Another Vostok!

I loved my scuba dude but because of its mysterious disappearance from my watch drawer I need to find a new one. I saw the ministry case and fell in love. I machined a new timing bezel with an indexing detent. I added superlumanova to the face and hands, it is a torch at night. I paired it with a Cordura nylon band that looks looks super slick.


Junghans Chronograph

I have lusted over this Chronograph for years and bought this one as soon as I saw it at the antique store. The horror began when I took it apart and found hundreds of tiny pieces of metal. Several of the gears had been irreparably stripped and cracked. Into the drawer of shame it goes…


Laser Etched iPhones

Standing around at the front desk of TechShop payed off today! Over heard some people asking if TechShop could laser etch the back of the iPhone. Before the front desk could say no I said,

“I’ll do it”

Next thing I knew I had six brand new iPhones sitting in front of me. Drafted up a logo for them to use and etched away. They are super happy with the corporate gifts and I enjoyed peeling the protective film off so many iPhones.